Support the BoardWalk, Broad Haven, Pembrokeshire.

09 May
Support The Boardwalk

Support The Boardwalk is a wonderful area, just a few hundred yards from the beach; it is a tranquil area and very well worth a visit and only a mile or so from 9 Timber Hill.

Support The Boardwalk is committed to helping to protect, conserve and enhance the ‘Slashpond ‘Boardwalk in Broad Haven for all to enjoy – “A real opportunity for all of us to achieve something together and be proud of it”

The ‘Havens Boardwalk Group’ is an independent voluntary association established in 2014. The Boardwalk group is a sub-group of the constituted Havens Community Forum and as such will be applying for grant funding to enhance the Boardwalk, widen its appeal and to refurbish it with durable, long-lasting materials.

There is a wonderful Nature Trail there with plenty of  information about the plants, birds and insects you can hope to see. As you follow the trail, there are plenty of boards explaining what you can see, for example :

Support The BoardwalkSupport The BoardwalkSupport The Boardwalk


Wildlife on Your Patch

Support The Boardwalk

Support The Boardwalk


This is a link to an excellent report from Wildlife on Your Patch listing some of the plants, birds and animals to be found in and around the Slash Pond and the Boardwalk area.

Broad Haven Environment Group hosted the Wildlife on Your Patch walk around Broad Haven Slash Ponds in July 2008. The walk linked experts with local community members and interested parties from the Broad Haven Community. This short report highlights some of the more obvious, interesting or rare species that they found and looks at the main types of habitats present on the site.

More details about the Broad Haven Slash Ponds can be found on their website.

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