Laugharne and Dylan Thomas.

09 May
Dylan Thomas's Boat house and the Estuary.
Laugharne Boat House.

Laugharne Boat House.

Laugharne and Dylan Thomas.

Just over 25 miles from Timber Hill is Laugharne, a pretty little village which was once the home of Dylan Thomas.

There are several beautiful walks around the area. They range from a gentle wander round the edges of the old castle and the banks of the river Tâf to the lovely two-mile Dylan Thomas Birthday Walk.

This walk is the setting for one of his best loved works, Poem in October, in which he vividly describes a stroll around Laugharne on his 30th birthday.

There are information boards at all the best viewpoints of the ‘heron-priested shore’, which are full of information about Dylan’s life and work. As a bonus, if you do the walk on your own birthday (and can prove it), you can claim complimentary goodies at several local businesses!